One in Messiah Congregation קָּהָל אֶחָד בְּמָּשִׁיחַ

Look below, sometimes rock ( צר צוּר tsoor ) is: Mighty God, god, Might One

H6697 צר / צוּר (Aramaic) tsu?r Total KJV Occurrences: 79

rock, 57

Exo_17:6 (2), Exo_33:21-22 (2), Deu_8:15, Deu_32:4, Deu_32:13, Deu_32:15, Deu_32:18, Deu_32:30-31 (3), Deu_32:37, Jdg_6:21, Jdg_7:25, Jdg_13:19, 1Sa_2:2, 2Sa_21:10, 2Sa_22:3, 2Sa_22:32, 2Sa_22:47 (2), 2Sa_23:3, 1Ch_11:15, Job_14:18, Job_18:4, Job_19:24, Job_24:8, Job_29:6, Psa_18:31, Psa_18:46, Psa_27:5, Psa_62:1-2 (4), Psa_62:6-7 (2), Psa_78:20, Psa_78:35, Psa_81:16, Psa_89:26, Psa_92:15, Psa_94:22, Psa_95:1, Psa_105:41, Psa_114:8, Pro_30:19, Isa_2:10, Isa_8:14, Isa_10:26, Isa_17:10, Isa_48:21 (2), Isa_51:1, Jer_18:14, Jer_21:13

rocks, 7

Num_23:9, 1Sa_24:2, Job_28:10, Psa_78:15, Isa_2:19, Isa_2:21, Nah_1:6

strength, 5

Psa_18:2, Psa_19:14, Psa_73:26, Psa_144:1, Isa_26:4

god, 2


וְאֵין צוּר בַּל־יָדָעְתִּי


Isa.44:[8] Fear ye not, neither be afraid: have not I told thee from that time, and have declared it? ye are even my witnesses. Is there a God beside me? yea, there is no God; I know not any.


וְצוּר לְהוֹכִיחַ יְסַדְתּוֹ


Hab.1[12] Art thou not from everlasting, O LORD my God, mine Holy One? we shall not die. O LORD, thou hast ordained them for judgment; and, O mighty God, thou hast established them for correction.


mighty, 2


יְהוָה, אֶל־צוּר יִשְׂרָאֵל־לָבוֹא בְהַר


Isa.30[29] Ye shall have a song, as in the night when a holy solemnity is kept; and gladness of heart, as when one goeth with a pipe to come into the mountain of the LORD, to the mighty One of Israel.


sharp, 2

Jos_5:2-3 (2)

edge, 1


stone, 1


stones, 1


strong, 1


H6697 צר / צוּר (Aramaic) tsu?r Total KJV Occurrences: 79

rock, 57

Exo_17:6 (2), Exo_33:21-22 (2), Deu_8:15, Deu_32:4, Deu_32:13, Deu_32:15, Deu_32:18, Deu_32:30-31 (3), Deu_32:37, Jdg_6:21, Jdg_7:25, Jdg_13:19, 1Sa_2:2, 2Sa_21:10, 2Sa_22:3, 2Sa_22:32, 2Sa_22:47 (2), 2Sa_23:3, 1Ch_11:15, Job_14:18, Job_18:4, Job_19:24, Job_24:8, Job_29:6, Psa_18:31, Psa_18:46, Psa_27:5, Psa_62:1-2 (4), Psa_62:6-7 (2), Psa_78:20, Psa_78:35, Psa_81:16, Psa_89:26, Psa_92:15, Psa_94:22, Psa_95:1, Psa_105:41, Psa_114:8, Pro_30:19, Isa_2:10, Isa_8:14, Isa_10:26, Isa_17:10, Isa_48:21 (2), Isa_51:1, Jer_18:14, Jer_21:13

rocks, 7

Num_23:9, 1Sa_24:2, Job_28:10, Psa_78:15, Isa_2:19, Isa_2:21, Nah_1:6

strength, 5

Psa_18:2, Psa_19:14, Psa_73:26, Psa_144:1, Isa_26:4

god, 2

Isa_44:8, Hab_1:12

mighty, 2

Isa_30:29, Hab_1:12

sharp, 2

Jos_5:2-3 (2)

edge, 1


stone, 1


stones, 1


strong, 1


H6697 צר צוּר tsur tsoor, tsoor

From H6696; properly a cliff (or sharp rock, as compressed); generally a rock or boulder; figuratively a refuge; also an edge (as precipitous): - edge, X (mighty) God (one), rock, X sharp, stone, X strength, X strong. See also H1049.

H6697 צר / צוּר (Aramaic) tsur BDB Definition:

1) rock, cliff (noun masculine)

1a) rocky wall, cliff

1b) rock (with flat surface)

1c) block of stone, boulder

1d) rock (specific)

1e) rock (of God)

1f) rock (of heathen gods)

1g) Rock (noun proper deity)


Part of Speech: see above in Definition


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